ACR Journal

Australian Church Record – Issue June 2012

The Australian Church Record, number 1905, June 2012, has been released.

On Tuesday 15 May, Rev Dr John Woodhouse gave notice to the Governing Board that he would be retiring as Principal of the College early in 2013. As the news was made public, students and faculty of the College were saddened at the prospect of John’s departure, although well aware of new avenues of service that will emerge for him through his speaking and writing. John’s fine expository gifts, his biblical and theological leadership, his collaborative leadership style, and his personal concern for faculty, staff and students, have all contributed to the ‘Woodhouse years’ being another very significant chapter in the history of the College. With the ever-increasing needs of our country and our world at this time, the fine evangelical heritage of the College must continue to bear fruit for the gospel into the future. The many supporters of the College now have a clear call to pray for the Governing Board as they begin the process of discovering the man who will guide Moore into this next chapter.

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